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.Mothering is a demanding occupation that impacts us in so many ways. See exercise as the tap you need to turn on to drain away all your frustration, anxiety and stress....

It is so important to pace ourselves in our responsibilities and expectations. Planning helps us go further and with greater serenity. ...

Moms certainly have to be master jugglers. It’s one thing to be responsible for a marriage and a home; it’s quite another to raise a family, tend to a marriage and carry out the responsibilities of our work. Every age and stage of family life......

No parent has perfect kids. All kids push your buttons. Here's help on tackling your child's bad behaviors and attitudes. ...

A powerful message of hope to every taken-for-granted woman in today's world...

A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee…You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not......

Make your summer a special one for you and your family!...

Take a look at temperaments to see how they impact your relationships for good and for bad. Sometimes just tweaking our approach can make a world of difference. ...

The 12 Simple Secrets of Real Mothering by Dr. Michele Borba   A mother who loves teaches worth. A mother who is firm and fair gives her children a moral code to live by. A mother who listens shows their children they matter. A mother who......

Here are some great reads for moms. Check on-line if they come in audios, e-books or pdf downloads. Well worth the inspiration. Great gifts to ask for Mother's Day, your birthday or special occasion. ...

When mom and dad welcome children into their lives and focus on creating a cheerful and loving home, they can achieve so much for their children: BEING LOVED: Rather than being loved by just mom and dad, children have the added love of each of......

Well-chosen traditions are invaluable anchors in identity, values, and legacy, helping to sweeten our days and transcend the moment....

Open yourself to the infinite. Let faith lift, inspire and transform your life. ...

An amazing podcast as well as youtube video on friendship by an attachment expert. ...

Get your family on board with helping around the house. Shared work conquers and divides so everyone will have more time for fun. ...

Be deliberate in carving time out to keep your love life alive during all the ages and stages of married life. ...

Birthdays offer a great occasion each year to show those we love how dear they are to us!...

Until you have miscarried yourself and share your news with other women, you are not aware how very many have suffered the same fate....

Sometimes in life we go through moments where we feel we are going down the drain turbo-boost....

Live a more simple life by stretching your dollar to reduce financial stress. ...

Marriage is an amazing adventure. It has all kinds of nooks and crannies to discover, many unforeseen hair-raising moments and all kinds of joys and beauties to experience....

Honor your father. Be generous in making him know he is valued. ...

Do you suffer from feeling invisible? I often do. This story hits the spot. ...

We can all use a helping hand when we feel we need a bit more support. ...

Years ago I read something that really struck a chord with me. An author said that the deepest longing of a woman is to be cherished. Did that ever resound within the depths of my being! How much we girls long to be noticed, cared for,......

All day long I am constantly sending messages … without using my cell phone. There is never a moment I am not sending a message. Even when I am silent … much is being said. Within 5 seconds of seeing me, someone has formed a......

An amazing video made by IKEA on the importance of family conversations. A must watch and motivation to make better use of our Christmas family gatherings. Please activate English subtitles before watching. ...

You are a great mom and you mean the world to your children. ...

Parenting is the art of raising happy, mature, generous adults, not merely happy children....

One of my older lady friends once said to me “You know, our Life is like a coin, you get to spend it anyway you want, but you get to spend it only once." How true that is! All people should take this to heart, but especially we who are moms....

Dialogue is essential for experiencing, expressing and fostering love in marriage and family life....

The drama of our lives is lived out in the gap between what we are and what we should be. Which raises the question - what should we be? There are a lot of answers out there to that question. Every serious philosopher has tried to give an answer to that question....

A great explanation on the impact of modest clothing...

Switch gears and inject joy to the people around you. Get inspired and make a difference....

Research experts give 30 reasons why marriage matters in today's world. Worth reading the full document to see the stats on how important marriage is to society. ...

From a young age, each gal needs to make choices to find that happiness she craves for deep in her heart. Soak in these pearls of wisdom ....

Hot topics must be touched and dealt with in today's world if we are to ensure our strength against the ideological currents assailing us. Equip yourself with some great resources. ...

We can take steps to improve our relationships by just adjusting our approach. Here are three superb resources to spring us into action....

Everything you say, do and wear makes a statement about you. That statement can be positive or negative – it is up to you. ...

A small disclaimer before I get started: I am not a mother, I have no daughters. I am a single professional in my late 20s, successful at my job and having a great time exploring cultures and countries. Now you might be wondering: why on......

This can be taken in a good way, or not, depending on your mood. It emphasizes how different men and women are in communication. ...

The process of dating should help you find the soul mate with which you can spend the rest of your life. You will probably not marry the first person you date. You do want to date and get to know the other person fairly well.......

The purpose of dating is to find Mr. Right – the one man you can spend the rest of your life with in marriage. What kind of guy would Mr. Right be? He would be someone who chooses you, who is willing to wait for......

A wide selection of great movies to watch with your teens. ...

It's easy to know when a friend should end a relationship. But it's tough when you're that girl. How do you know when to let go of your guy? Here's a reliable "dump him" list:...

"How do you say no with words? Saying no often requires more than a one-word answer. It's important to be psychologically prepared for the "lines" that someone may use to pressure you to have sex. Remember, a line demands a comeback that can put an end to the pressure once and for all and really communicate your strong "No"....

Dating is not easy. Go in with your eyes open and your heart protected. Here are some amazing articles at your fingertips. Enjoy the videos and do check out these resources. ...

From a young adult woman: I never partied in high school. It wasn’t my thing. But after graduation I felt I missed out, so to fill that void I seemed to go out more. Things I learned: Almost everybody is drinking. So much of what......

What a tremendous joy to know you are having a baby!!!!...

At first, nothing is as appreciated as the helper who passes you baby #2. I needed help to lift that second baby (so the first would not roll off the pillow!). A helper can assist with making minor adjustments that make all the difference to your comfort, ensuring a good latch, adding back support, and much encouragement ....

Once you have a couple of children and a home of your own, you can often feel that you are up to your eyeballs in work – dishes, dirty laundry, toys scattered everywhere, bills to be paid, toilets to be cleaned. You feel you are......

When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure there are some days when I wonder what I’ve got myself into, worry about the world they’ll inherit and consider the environmental footprint of a family like mine. But most of the time I just celebrate how awesome it is to have six kids. ...

A few years ago a friend was attending the Earth Day celebrations in her community with her five children in tow. She must have been quite the sight as she pushed her double stroller along with her three older children hanging on. She stopped at the over-population booth, which provided attendees with an array of literature enlightening them about the dangers of reproducing....

Allow me to gush: I love being a part of a large family! Eight kids, all singletons –thank you very much! I have friends who have more than eight, and some who are close to the number. For now, we (my husband & I) are at “eight”. God willing, we will be blessed with more....

Most people get excited for couples expecting their first child, and rightly so. There are still looks of pleasant surprise and congratulations with the second and the third. The fourth pregnancy can bring about moments of silence for some, looks of genuine surprise from others. It gets pretty interesting from the fifth onwards....

I was pregnant for the first time, and feeling a bit anxious, so I asked my brother whose wife had a baby the previous year, "How much does it cost to have a baby on a monthly basis?" David said, "If you can afford a coffee a day, you can afford to have a baby."...

How you use your money can either alleviate or produce much stress in your life. It is good to get a handle on your spending habits so that you can channel your money in the right direction. ...

We're trying to get pregnant but it's not working. ...

Birthdays offer a wonderful opportunity to let our loved ones know how much they are valued. ...

Many women desire an outlet that will expand their horizons, develop their talents and solidify their identity as individuals. Whether we feel swamped with small children, busy juggling a job and family or a bit lost once the kids are all in school, there are......

Being a mom is a valuable, important and challenging role. Even if we have come from a large family, there is quite a difference when we actually become the mom who has to be in charge 24/7.  In today’s society many moms are at home......

By Nell Minow Nell lives in Virginia with her husband and two children, Ben and Rachel. This article was published as a special to the Tribune on July 26, 2005 and is used with permission, all rights reserved. Copyright 2005 Nell Minow. Charlie Bucket is......

Most of us go into motherhood with little or no experience. The arrival of children is met with great joy. However it also comes with a steep learning curve. Even if you were part of a large family yourself, learning the ropes of motherhood can......

Parents are the primary educators of their children in the faith. Sometimes it is possible to gather like-minded families together to share in deepening the faith of those who attend. A family catechism program is one such initiative to support the parental responsibility....

For whatever reason, you may consider starting a club for your son or daughter. There are many benefits. You will get to know their friends. You will help them build friendships with like minded children. You will both have fun, but also learn a lot.......

The allure of the letters page is undeniable; it's the one place where the public can have their voices heard. But considering that hundreds of readers are competing for this space, how can you make sure your submission stands out? Here's 15 tips from our letters editor to help you get published....

Need ways to find relief and support as a busy mom, especially when relatives are inaccessible? Here is a great initiative to ensure affordable and convenient babysitting. A fantastic idea worth implementing....

Surrounded by chaos? Don’t know where to begin? Feel like you never accomplish anything? Well Mom, time to get a handle on your life! Whether you like it or not, the smooth operations of your home depend to a large degree on YOU. Your attitude and......

Endless fretting about finances, however, can rob us of peace of mind and spirit. There are many things of value that do not cost much – or anything at all. We just need to remember where to find them....

Real Mothers don't eat quiche; They don't have time to make it. Real Mothers know that their kitchen utensils Are probably in the sandbox....

A little boy asked his mother, 'Why are you crying?' 'Because I'm a woman,' she told him. 'I don't understand,' he said. His Mom just hugged him and said, 'And you never will.'...

A woman, renewing her drivers license at the county clerk's office was asked by the woman recorder to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself. “What I mean is”, explained the recorder, “do you have a job or are you just a ... ?”...

Before I was a Mom, I never tripped over toys or forgot words to a lullaby. I didn't worry whether or not my plants were poisonous. I never thought about immunizations....

When we start off having kids, almost all the antics and craziness makes us want to cry. Everything seems so hard and overwhelming. As time goes on though, we gain experience and have a different take on situations. ...

TIDBITS FOR MOMS: 1. Sleep is so important. If you get enough sleep you will enjoy your own company as will your family and friends. You will also have the energy you need to accomplish the day’s work ahead;...

What would life be like if I had not become a mother? It seems so difficult to imagine since I have been one for the last 10 years, but here goes....

There are two kinds of courage or fortitude – the kind that faces danger or risk with a sporting spirit of firmness and the other kind which bears that which must be borne without complaint. It is a mental toughness which permeates the outlook and habits of the character of the individual....

Motherhood is not on the top ten list of “Great Jobs for the Modern Woman!” these days. How can it be if one is expected either to be able to do everything and anything at all (a.k.a. the Superwoman), or to have no personal opinion, idea, thought, interest, personality or identity (a.k.a. the invisible one)?...

MAKE-UP By Hilda Jerina,  Image Consultant. What’s the first thing people see when they look at you? Your face and hair. The next time you walk by a mirror, take a minute and look at yourself. Take a real good look. Don’t worry, the mirror won’t......

What does every woman want, deep down inside? She wants to be loved and delighted in by others! But what does this have to do with modesty?...

Are you harnessing the power of a polished image, whether you're climbing the corporate ladder or are far removed from that world? Are you taking the time to make sure your outside accurately reflects the quality of your inside? Or, like so many women, are you taking an expensive education or in-demand ability and putting it in a discount wrapper?...

profession uses various elements of beauty to sell every product from haute couture to breakfast cereals. That’s because marketers know that we are all innately drawn to beauty; so they use beautiful people and props to draw us toward their products. ...

Do you find it hard to stay on top of fashion, never mind get out to buy clothes for yourself? Do you let your appearance slide and think “who cares” I’m at home? Yet as a woman and especially a mom, it is important to......

When my son died, it was not only an emotional hurt. I felt physically ripped apart. It was pure agony. ...

CARROTS, EGGS & COFFEE Author Unknown A carrot, an egg, and a cup of coffee …  You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again. A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things......

Sometimes in life we go through moments where we feel we are going down the drain turbo-boost....

We know we should watch what we eat, exercise daily and lose the unwanted pounds, but it's so hard for many of us. In particular, pregnancy, stress, death of a loved one cause us to eat more than we normally would. ...

After my first baby was born, I felt really cooped up in my apartment. A friend of mine invited me to a post-natal fitness class at the local community centre. I took my baby with me and worked out for an hour. Boy was I......