12 May 21 Reasons Why Marriage Matters
A Report from the Social Sciences explaining why the choice of marriage is so worthwhile. ...
A Report from the Social Sciences explaining why the choice of marriage is so worthwhile. ...
Never under-estimate the joy of having another child. ...
Sometimes in life we go through moments where we feel we are going down the drain turbo-boost....
Put love into your marriage and draw more love out!...
Humor adds to our marriage emotional bank account and allows us to tolerate or overlook offenses that might otherwise irritate. Well, OK, they still might annoy us but we’re willing to overlook minor things because of the overall fun and positive experiences we’ve had together....
Here is a great foundation upon which to build your family. Tailor make it to suit your needs. ...
Understand that you as a woman were made with emotional needs as vast and as deep as an ocean....
Children desperately need parents who stay married to each other, and love each other. Their future depends on it. Yet, their parents are very likely to lose their love for each other after they arrive, because they forget why they married....
The life of every family is marked by all kinds of crises, yet these are also part of its dramatic beauty....
Marriage is an amazing adventure. It has all kinds of nooks and crannies to discover, many unforeseen hair-raising moments and all kinds of joys and beauties to experience....
Honor your father. Be generous in making him know he is valued. ...
We can all use a helping hand when we feel we need a bit more support. ...
I am not happy in my marriage. I feel stuck. What can I do?...