A sample of a grocery list that will help you keep organized while shopping....
I keep Christmas very simple. I basically use the same menu plan each year, as I only use this plan once a year. I do it pot-luck, where I get the other relatives that are coming to bring the dish they are good at. ...
When I gave up doing a lot of extra baking for Christmas when my kids grew up, it de-stressed me and my older daughters. We used to do a lot of extra baking to pass around and now we gave that up. Mary O. ...
I send out a lot of Christmas cards and it takes a long time to write them all. To avoid spending hours at a time, I start doing them in early November, just four or five each day. It breaks a daunting task down...
We have a custom of celebrating Advent. We gather the family around and burn one candle on the first Sunday of Advent in the evening while we read a part of the bible that has to do with the Holy family. We do this...
Summer holidays afford more time and the opportunity for everyone to lend a helping hand. ...
Excellent books and websites to help you organize your space, improve your effectiveness and have greater satisfaction in home management. ...
Organize your kitchen according to your workstations: mixing area, sink area, fridge area. Now think of each object according to where you first use it. Store things there. So when you make a cake, put all related items within immediate reach of your standing...
Whether you live in an apartment or home, it is worthwhile to make your space work for you, rather than you working all day on your space. Many young families are so busy they do not take the time to think about this. I encourage...
Houses are not homes, they are mere shells. You make a difference when you set up a home. You take the bare walls and empty rooms and turn them into a part of yourself, an extension of who you are. There is no place like...
Check out some great resources to help you on the homefront!...
This is a question I am often asked. People wonder how in the world someone with a large, family manages meals, assuming it's ten times more the work. In reality, it's not so at all. I have personally found that the larger the family gets,...
As soon as children show interest and are able to do a chore, sign them up. Whether you have one child or several, kids need to feel needed and learn to help out. Chores help them to grow in life skills, responsibility, and good work...
Free up more of your time and energy. Don't allow anxiety to creep into your day because you don't know what to make for supper. Why run several times to the grocery store for ingredients when you have better things to do with your time?...
As moms, we are always learning and we never stop. Enjoy these tips from many women on how they save time and money in the kitchen. May it spark some new habits and get ideas churning. We have so much to learn from our parents...
Read more tips for Saving Time and Money in the Kitchen. Here are food tips to get you started. When kids don't like vegetable soups, puree them. It will go over better. Cut up overripe fruit into a bowl. Top with some lemon juice and sugar....
When I was growing up I longed to be a mother. I loved science and studying and dreamt of medicine as a career as many other children do at some point in their lives, but most of all I knew I wanted to be a...