A wide selection of great movies to watch with your teens. ...
A short helpful guide on finding the right person for a lifetime together. ...
It's easy to know when a friend should end a relationship. But it's tough when you're that girl. How do you know when to let go of your guy? Here's a reliable "dump him" list:...
"How do you say no with words? Saying no often requires more than a one-word answer. It's important to be psychologically prepared for the "lines" that someone may use to pressure you to have sex. Remember, a line demands a comeback that can put an...
Dating is not easy. Go in with your eyes open and your heart protected. Here are some amazing articles at your fingertips. Enjoy the videos and do check out these resources. ...
From a young adult woman: I never partied in high school. It wasn't my thing. But after graduation I felt I missed out, so to fill that void I seemed to go out more. Things I learned: Almost everybody is drinking. So much of what is...
At first, nothing is as appreciated as the helper who passes you baby #2. I needed help to lift that second baby (so the first would not roll off the pillow!). A helper can assist with making minor adjustments that make all the difference to...
Once you have a couple of children and a home of your own, you can often feel that you are up to your eyeballs in work – dishes, dirty laundry, toys scattered everywhere, bills to be paid, toilets to be cleaned. You feel you are...
When people hear that I have six kids, the reaction is usually entertaining. Sure there are some days when I wonder what I’ve got myself into, worry about the world they’ll inherit and consider the environmental footprint of a family like mine. But most of...
A few years ago a friend was attending the Earth Day celebrations in her community with her five children in tow. She must have been quite the sight as she pushed her double stroller along with her three older children hanging on. She stopped at...
Allow me to gush: I love being a part of a large family! Eight kids, all singletons –thank you very much! I have friends who have more than eight, and some who are close to the number. For now, we (my husband & I) are...
Most people get excited for couples expecting their first child, and rightly so. There are still looks of pleasant surprise and congratulations with the second and the third. The fourth pregnancy can bring about moments of silence for some, looks of genuine surprise from others....
I was pregnant for the first time, and feeling a bit anxious, so I asked my brother whose wife had a baby the previous year, "How much does it cost to have a baby on a monthly basis?" David said, "If you can afford a...
How you use your money can either alleviate or produce much stress in your life. It is good to get a handle on your spending habits so that you can channel your money in the right direction. ...