We purchase Christmas gifts before Advent begins (mostly!!). This helps us to focus on the time of Advent and to avoid the busy shopping days. Stephanie W When I'm out shopping during the year and my kids ask for certain items, I thank them...
I keep Christmas very simple. I basically use the same menu plan each year, as I only use this plan once a year. I do it pot-luck, where I get the other relatives that are coming to bring the dish they are good at. ...
When I gave up doing a lot of extra baking for Christmas when my kids grew up, it de-stressed me and my older daughters. We used to do a lot of extra baking to pass around and now we gave that up. Mary O. ...
I send out a lot of Christmas cards and it takes a long time to write them all. To avoid spending hours at a time, I start doing them in early November, just four or five each day. It breaks a daunting task down...
We have a custom of celebrating Advent. We gather the family around and burn one candle on the first Sunday of Advent in the evening while we read a part of the bible that has to do with the Holy family. We do this...
A short helpful guide on finding the right person for a lifetime together. ...
It's easy to know when a friend should end a relationship. But it's tough when you're that girl. How do you know when to let go of your guy? Here's a reliable "dump him" list:...
"How do you say no with words? Saying no often requires more than a one-word answer. It's important to be psychologically prepared for the "lines" that someone may use to pressure you to have sex. Remember, a line demands a comeback that can put an...
Dating is not easy. Go in with your eyes open and your heart protected. Here are some amazing articles at your fingertips. Enjoy the videos and do check out these resources. ...
Adolescence is a difficult time in the lives of young people both for themselves and their educators, parents and teachers. This period is normally associated with conflict, turmoil and tension. It is common for parents to be "de-mythologized in this period. The mass media plays...
Remind yourself of your real job as a parent: to raise adults, not children. Your job is not to keep your children busy and amused, nor just to keep them out of trouble and make them behave, nor to exercise a kind of "damage control"...
From a young adult woman: I never partied in high school. It wasn't my thing. But after graduation I felt I missed out, so to fill that void I seemed to go out more. Things I learned: Almost everybody is drinking. So much of what is...
I received these comments after soliciting many people for advice. May they help you in navigating these issues in your family. MH: As a parent you need to equip your kids with the truth. It's illegal to drink under age. If you have consumed any amount...
ADJUST to the new emerging adolescent. It's not easy and takes quite a bit of time. Cut yourself some slack and your teen as well, but do be vigilant. Don't be neglectful. Your teenager is not an adult yet. He/she may look like one, but...
LAY THE FOUNDATION Parents have the privilege of forming the minds and hearts of their children and need to invest a lot of time in doing so, particularly in the young years. They lay foundations for their children by their love, availability, example, shared activity and...
At first, nothing is as appreciated as the helper who passes you baby #2. I needed help to lift that second baby (so the first would not roll off the pillow!). A helper can assist with making minor adjustments that make all the difference to...
Once you have a couple of children and a home of your own, you can often feel that you are up to your eyeballs in work – dishes, dirty laundry, toys scattered everywhere, bills to be paid, toilets to be cleaned. You feel you are...