In the process of educating each child, the authority of the parents is an indispensable service. (Service means, "acting for, in the interest of, others") To persevere in spite of everything implies that the parents recognize their authority to be a service to their children, to...
We need to keep our children short of money. Marketers are selling a grown-up, sexy image to pre-teen girls. Parents need to guide, direct and help their children. Our children have so much money that everyone wants to get it. We need to teach our...
The real evil of materialism is not the pursuit of things. It is, rather, seeing and treating other people as things--and therefore putting things ahead of people. Youngsters with a habit of thinking and acting this way are headed toward trouble later in life: substance...
We have a custom of celebrating Advent. We gather the family around and burn one candle on the first Sunday of Advent in the evening while we read a part of the bible that has to do with the Holy family. We do this...
Adolescence is a difficult time in the lives of young people both for themselves and their educators, parents and teachers. This period is normally associated with conflict, turmoil and tension. It is common for parents to be "de-mythologized in this period. The mass media plays...
Remind yourself of your real job as a parent: to raise adults, not children. Your job is not to keep your children busy and amused, nor just to keep them out of trouble and make them behave, nor to exercise a kind of "damage control"...
From a young adult woman: I never partied in high school. It wasn't my thing. But after graduation I felt I missed out, so to fill that void I seemed to go out more. Things I learned: Almost everybody is drinking. So much of what is...
I received these comments after soliciting many people for advice. May they help you in navigating these issues in your family. MH: As a parent you need to equip your kids with the truth. It's illegal to drink under age. If you have consumed any amount...
ADJUST to the new emerging adolescent. It's not easy and takes quite a bit of time. Cut yourself some slack and your teen as well, but do be vigilant. Don't be neglectful. Your teenager is not an adult yet. He/she may look like one, but...
LAY THE FOUNDATION Parents have the privilege of forming the minds and hearts of their children and need to invest a lot of time in doing so, particularly in the young years. They lay foundations for their children by their love, availability, example, shared activity and...
At first, nothing is as appreciated as the helper who passes you baby #2. I needed help to lift that second baby (so the first would not roll off the pillow!). A helper can assist with making minor adjustments that make all the difference to...
Right from the time your child is born, that child is watching, soaking in and learning what it means to be human, to relate to others and what love is all about. As they grow, they need to learn the true meaning of love, life...
Definitely start young with age-appropriate explanations and expand on it as they get older. Try to be the first one to tell them so they hear it from you and not the others, even if it means the child is younger than you wish....
Disclaimer: These authors are excellent in their areas of expertise. However there potentially could be some statements I disagree with. I nevertheless recommend them as great reads. Use your discretion. DAUGHTERS IN DANGER, SENSE & SEXUALITY and much more Abstinence Guide by Dr. Meg Meeker Start Preparing for the Teen Years...
by Mary Beth Bonacci Bonacci is a syndicated columnist based in Denver, and the author of We’re On a Mission from God and Real Love. I found the Real Love book an excellent resource for my teenagers and myself on sexuality. It is written in a...
If you choose to pull your children out of the school program, here are some ideas: Be positive in affirming your role. Stress your confidence, competence, and desire to be the primary educator in this critical area of your child's development. Always be polite, diplomatic...
Birthdays offer a wonderful opportunity to let our loved ones know how much they are valued. ...
From Irene Every Easter we have the tradition of painting easter eggs. We hardboil some eggs and use paints to color them. We blow out other eggs and use wax and paint to create eggs we can keep. Traditionally we paint these eggs on Good Friday....