In the process of educating each child, the authority of the parents is an indispensable service. (Service means, "acting for, in the interest of, others") To persevere in spite of everything implies that the parents recognize their authority to be a service to their children, to...
The real evil of materialism is not the pursuit of things. It is, rather, seeing and treating other people as things--and therefore putting things ahead of people. Youngsters with a habit of thinking and acting this way are headed toward trouble later in life: substance...
LAY THE FOUNDATION Parents have the privilege of forming the minds and hearts of their children and need to invest a lot of time in doing so, particularly in the young years. They lay foundations for their children by their love, availability, example, shared activity and...
Birthdays offer a wonderful opportunity to let our loved ones know how much they are valued. ...
Summer. What a wonderful word! As the end of the school year approaches, we are almost as excited as the kids! Summer is an opportunity to spend more time with our children, to see them in a different light, to slow down and smell the...
Remember playing in the sandbox, running through the sprinkler, eating ice cream and splashing at the beach, playing sports, biking around the neighborhood or camping in the tent. All conjure up warm memories of summers gone by. What kind of memories do you want your...
There are many ways to have a fun summer with your family. Here, randomly are ideas that might work with your family ...
Digital technology “seems to amplify the relational patterns and problems already in place: families that have healthy and frequent conversations find technology aiding that process, while families without such healthy interactions find that technology exacerbates the isolation of its members.”...
How fun to have a celebration! Everyone looks forward to getting together with close friends and having a party. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or surprise party, we conjure up great memories of wonderful occasions with people we hold dear. Yet when the subject...
Most of us go into motherhood with little or no experience. The arrival of children is met with great joy. However it also comes with a steep learning curve. Even if you were part of a large family yourself, learning the ropes of motherhood can...
How would you like your children to learn about life, love, and sexuality? Who would you like them to hear it from? A child in the school yard, a teen magazine, the internet, the classroom teacher, some TV program or from you? They all have...
Parents are the primary educators of their children in the faith. Sometimes it is possible to gather like-minded families together to share in deepening the faith of those who attend. A family catechism program is one such initiative to support the parental responsibility....
For whatever reason, you may consider starting a club for your son or daughter. There are many benefits. You will get to know their friends. You will help them build friendships with like minded children. You will both have fun, but also learn a lot....
Summer holidays afford more time and the opportunity for everyone to lend a helping hand. ...
Endless fretting about finances, however, can rob us of peace of mind and spirit. There are many things of value that do not cost much – or anything at all. We just need to remember where to find them....
We need to keep our children short of money. ...
Do you often feel totally exhausted at the end of the day by all the demands your children make on you? I certainly do. It sometimes seems never-ending. It is hard work raising kids, believe me. No matter how old they are, children want, they...