26 Sep Moms’ Group – Session #9
This is a great discussion. No need for pen and paper. Just go for it.
Many times in married life we need to be on a tight budget – we just bought a house, we are on one income, more children are around etc. etc. Thinking of the times you were hardest pressed to make that dollar go far, what did you do to make ends meet?
Ask for ideas when it comes to:
grocery shopping
recipe planning
snack items, drinks
magazines, subscriptions, books
entertainment expenses
transportation – car maintenance (do it yourself ideas)
utilities such as electricity, heating, water
meals, snacks and drinks during outings and trips
vacation spots
It’s good to mention at some point that we really see we can make ends meet on very little. There are lots of books and websites available on cost-saving ideas. Our parents or grandparents have lots of stories of earlier days when life was austere that we can learn from. It is good that we can breathe easier when more income becomes available, but at the same time there should always be some aspects of a spirit of poverty – in order to set aside money for a rainy day, to provide for future needs, to help other people, for charity , for church and for love of God. Kids need to learn the art of making a dollar go far. When they leave home for university, work or marriage, they will not have the level of lifestyle they will have had at home. Another point to remember is that our children should never see us complaining about our lack of things. They then get the wrong idea that if we only had money and more things then we would be happy. No wonder so many get married and decide on not having kids. Our children should not have everything they want either. It is good for us to do without some things and just take greater pleasure in the simple things of life.
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