24 Sep Partying
How fun to have a celebration! Everyone looks forward to getting together with close friends and having a party. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, graduation, or surprise party, we conjure up great memories of wonderful occasions with people we hold dear. Yet when the subject of teen and university parties comes up, most parents cringe. We are all aware of the drinking, drugs and sexual activity that is taking place at growing rates in today’s culture; and, it fills us with dread. Even more alarming are the parties with minors promoted and supervised by parents who provide R-rated movies, alcohol and little to no supervision to ensure maximum pleasure. The university and college scene are no different, with many drinking young people “hooking up” with multiple strangers. No doubt, conscientious parents approach these years with much trepidation, concerned about the temptations of this kind of party scene for their son or daughter, now and in the years to come. Here are some points to ponder on partying. Hope they prove helpful in building good criteria.
- Laying the Foundation: Tips for Young Parents
- Tips for the Teen Years
- Advice for Parents of Teens and Young Adults
- Party Advice from Peers
- How to Have Safe, Successful Teen Parties by Maria Doll
- The Teen Brain: Still Under Construction published by the National Institute for Mental Health
- Coming Down the Home Stretch– How Parents Deal Effectively with their Adolescent Children by James Stenson
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