23 Sep Moms’ Group – Session #1
Have everybody introduce themselves.
Speak about how this group hopes to help mothers be more conscious of their roles in raising strong mature adults. The group will encourage thinking, discussing, sharing and learning ideas, skills and principles important in various aspects of family life.
Ask moms to write on a small piece of paper what topics they would most like to have addressed in this group over the course of the year. Have them hand them in to you.
Give each person a sheet of paper and pen.
SessionĀ #1 – Discussion – Primary Educators.
We often hear it stated that the parents are the primary educators of their children. What does this mean to you? Why? How? In what capacity? Take 10 minutes and write your thoughts down on the paper provided. Then we will share our ideas and see where it will take us.
Have each person go around and share their ideas. Ask others – Anything you’d like to add? Do you feel the same way? Ask for further clarification, encourage them to go deeper.
Now take the ideas below and put them together into a basic commentary on this role we play as primary educators to end the session with a brief talk.
-The family is the basic and most fundamental cell of society.
Parents are the first and principal educators of their children. Children come into the world all eyes and ears – quickly pick up on attitudes, mannerisms, priorities, values etc. from the parents who are their world.
No other community is more or as qualified as parents in raising children. It is because they love their children unconditionally, willing to sacrifice their very lives for their children, know their children better than anyone – their strengths/weaknesses – therefore can challenge them to be their very best. Family is the only place they are loved unconditionally. Work, school, sports team etc. will fire/ expel/ remove you if you do not perform according to standards. Home is where you are loved for who you are, not what you do.
Our role as primary educators is most effective because it is based on a loving relationship that is intense from birth, naturally given and spontaneous. It is the best educational environment.
Formation at school is one of instruction
Formation at home is one of transmission. Through example, explanation and directing their behavior, we pass on values that are personal deeply rooted and lived.
We teach primarily by our example. By providing a loving, stable, harmonious home atmosphere, we help lay a solid foundation for the child’s personality within the first five years.
Kids are always watching. They pick up on all the little things – character, values, priorities, physical mannerisms, attitudes etc. The better we strive to be, the higher they can aim. The more mediocre we are, the less they will attain. We directly and indirectly educate their emotions, affections, psychological well-being, behaviour etc. They do come into the world with strengths of character and weak areas. We know them best, and if we take our role seriously, can really guide them to overcome their weaknesses and strive to be better.
We help them to understand and deal with the world – to be proud of who they are, willing to be different and stand up for themselves.
We should not drown our children in attention. That makes them believe they are the center of everything and deserve everything. We aim to help them be more aware of others and how they can contribute to the well-being of others. Therefore parents must find one-on-one time, time to be nearby and available, and time for other things (work, friends, spouse etc.).
It becomes very evident that as primary educators our example is critical. It must be consistent, and of a high quality. We are all struggling in different ways and growing. We have probably more patience now then when we had children, but still see we can grow more in patience. Keep at it. It’s a lifetime adventure. Keep looking to learn, to improve, to love more. Don’t settle for mediocrity and comfort. When we become more aware of the needs of others and can give our best selves, we will truly make an invaluable contribution to our family and to the world. No one can replace the love of a parent. Never underestimate your worth, your capacity, nor your ability to be a terrific parent – even when you are exhausted, fed up and drained. Find strength within yourself, in your spouse, friends, others and especially in God. The graces you received at the sacrament of matrimony are your own personal treasure chest of help for all those moments you need it. You are human and can only do so much. Be thankful for and make use of these special blessings you received when you married, knowing you can do all things with God’s help. He more than compensates for our inadequacies.
Finish by watching The Gift of An Ordinary Day
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