26 Sep Moms’ Group – Session #10
Sanity Savers
Being a mom and wife are the most important roles we have. They are roles in which we serve the people we love most and invest a lot of energy, skill and thought into what we do. Our role is unrepeatable and highly valuable. However it can often leave us feeling drained, exhausted and even depressed. It is important that we know ourselves well and replenish our reserves often so that we can give cheerfully our very best to the others.
Fold a piece of paper in half. On one side right down all the things you can do with your children that they enjoy: legos, playdough, a movie. List as many as possible.
After 5-10 minutes, use the other side of the paper to write down what you enjoy doing: phone call to a girlfriend, reading, crossword, hobby, etc. List all possible ideas that you currently enjoy or dream of.
Now swap ideas with the other moms for both.
It is important you actually write down and post these lists for handy reference, like on the inside of your kitchen cupboard, on your smart phone, etc. When your kids are misbehaving for the umpteenth time, maybe you need to switch the activity instead of always punishing. Go to your list. When you feel down and negative, do something upbeat. Go to your list. Realize when you are overwhelmed by noise, misbehavior, or chaos, you cannot think clearly what you could do to alter the situation. At the same time your husband is often concerned with his own problems and may not really understand your needs at that moment. Let these lists give you immediate guidance and be a source of relief to you. They will channel you and your family into more productive activity and upbeat mind sets. Good luck.
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