Resources Just for You

Resources Just for You

Disclaimer: These authors are excellent in their areas of expertise. However there potentially could be some statements I disagree with.  I nevertheless recommend them as great reads.

Mom You’re Incredible and The Eternal Mark of  A Mom by Linda Weber
Both excellent reads for every mom. Superbly written to show you how important and vital your role as mom is. Extremely encouraging, full of wisdom, humor and outstanding ideas. Great gift for anyone who is having a baby. I loved these two books.

The 10 Habits of Happy Mothers: Reclaiming Our Passion, Purpose, and Sanity By Dr. Meg Meeker
With twenty-five years’ experience as a practicing pediatrician and counselor, Dr. Meeker incorporates clinical data and her own experience raising four children to show why mothers suffer from the rising pressure to excel and she provides 10 positive habits for mothers who want to be healthy, happy, and fulfilled.

12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know  by Dr. Michele Borba
An excellent read for moms at all stages of mothering filled with much wisdom and practical insights. A gem of a book and a great gift.

In Praise of Stay-at-Home Moms by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
This book may very well be at your local library. So worthwhile reading.  Dr. Laura is right on for all her statements regarding the challenges, worth and contribution stay-at-home moms make to their families and society. She offers sound advice on how to transition to and enjoy this incredible decision.

One Beautiful Dream by Jennifer Fulwiler
A hilarious page turning recount of the author’s journey from career woman to mom of six children in a short span of time. Inspiring, practical, and affirming. A great read for busy moms who need a good laugh and also see the beauty of their lives.

When Life Gives You Pears: The Healing Power of Family, Faith and Funny People by Jeannie Gaffigan
A New York times bestseller about the personal memoirs of a mom of 5 children and the life changing impact of her pear-shaped brain tumor. Written with humor, sensitivity and honesty, I found this book to be an inspiring read that affirmed me where I need it most.

Woman First: Family Always by Kathryn Sansone
Real life wisdom from a mom of 10 regarding self, marriage and family. A great read.

Home by Choice by Brenda Hunter
Whether you work full-time, stay at home with your kids, or are simply looking ahead to future decisions about family and career, the research presented by this psychologist helps you understand how your decision will impact your children’s lives. Easy to read, well-presented and eye-opening for today’s culture.

Learning to Live, Rest and Let Go by Dr.Fernando Sarrais
A psychiatrist’s practical handbook for the ordinary person on resting effectively in order to stop worrying and manage stress. By far one of the best books I’ve read on this topic. A must read for anyone feeling run down from life.

Join The Kindness Challenge by Shaunti Feldhahn
This is a free 30 day daily challenge you can receive by email about how to improve your relationships by small acts of intentional kindness. Filled with practical ideas, researched information, inspiring videos and assessments to help with anyone in your life – at home, at work, wherever. Absolutely fantastic and free. I am so impressed by it and it has helped me so much.  Her book The Kindness Challenge is worth reading to help you go even deeper.

Love: As a Way of Life by Gary Chapman
This book helps you to discover all the ways you can experience more love in your life at work, at home, in your relationships, in your community. Very uplifting, inspiring and encouraging. A great read.

5 Love Languages of Single People by Gary Chapman
A super read for single people on becoming a more loving individual in all your relationships.

Perfectly Yourself Rhythm of Life and Seven Levels of Intimacy by Matthew Kelly
Very well written books about self-worth, mission, purpose and relationships. Absolutely excellent.

Atomic Habits by James Clear
Practical and insightful read on how to improve your good habits and fight to overcome your bad habits using research, excellent anecdotes and super simple strategies. A great read, especially for busy moms. It’s not about getting it all done at once, but slowly building the right habits to make the biggest difference.

Essentialism and it’s sequel Effortless by Greg McKeown
My husband and I both enjoyed these two best sellers that help people who live very busy lives scale back to what is essential and find more ways to make those essentials effortless. A great read for older parents.

Build The Life You Want by Arthur Brooks and Oprah Winfrey
Mainly written by Happiness expert Arthur Brooks, this book gives so much science behind what really leads to happiness. Easy to read, inspiring and affirming. Well worth reading in today’s busy world.

Resilience: Hard Won Wisdom for Leading a Better Life by Eric Greitens
Contains letters from a Navy SEAL to his former comrade who is going through tough times. My husband and I found the book inspiring and affirming as we have navigated tough years in parenting and marriage. Lots of excellent advice.

Virtuous Leadership: An Agenda for Personal Excellence by Alexandre Havard
A powerful read on the pursuit of virtue in leadership. Worthwhile reading.

Created for Greatness by Alexandre Havard
Another super read with an empowering vision of life.

Crucial Conversation: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by  K. Patterson, J. Grenny, R. McMillan and A Switzler     
Learn how to keep your cool and get the results you want when emotions flare. Increase your chances of being understood and avoid negative fall out. A great read.

The Male Factor by Shaunti Feldhahn
Much needed insights for women when working with men that is not discussed in mainstream society.

Through A Man’s Eyes by Shaunti Feldhahn
Incredible information on how women impact men through visuals.  I learned a lot reading this book that enriched my marriage for the good.

The Fine Art of Small Talk by Debra Fine
This book is a treasure trove of tips, ideas and practical help in small talk when meeting people. I absolutely loved it. Easy to read hands-on kind of book that immediately boosts your small talk skills to overcome shyness, awkwardness or aversion to meeting new people.

How to Get Your Point Across in 30 Seconds or Less by Milo O. Frank
A small but effective book that shows you how to effectively state your ideas in a short and sweet way. Easy to read and super for those short time frames where you need to express ideas in an attractive manner. Maybe a good read for you in dealing with your teens or adult children.

The Anger Workbook by Les Carter and Frank Minirth
We all deal with anger in our lives. Being angry can involve such emotional expressions as frustration, irritability, annoyance, aggravation, blowing off steam or fretting. This great book gives 13 steps to help you identify, understand and better manage the anger in your life.

Anger: Handling a Powerful Emotion in a Healthy Way by Gary Chapman
A great read on how to handle anger with your spouse, your children, with yourself and so on. Practical, easy to follow, very helpful guide. Highly recommended.

Simplify Your Life: 100 Ways to Slow Down and Enjoy the Things that Really Matter by Elaine St. James
If you’re feeling over-powered, overextended and overwhelmed, this little book can be a big help. One hundred proven, practical steps for creating a simple and satisfying way of life.

Miserly Moms: Living on ONE income in a TWO income economy by Jonni McCoy
Joni recounts how they made a successful transition from two to one income in one of the most expensive parts of America. She gives tons of excellent tips, strategies and even recipes in order to live a frugal and happy family life. Check out her website at:
A great website to equip you to understand and  explain your values on sexuality and marriage to others. Provides an excellent reading list, videos on hot topics and much more. Equip yourself to articulate what you hold most dear when it comes to the “why” of relationships.

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