24 Sep Teenager Resources
Disclaimer: These authors are excellent in their areas of expertise. However there potentially could be some statements I disagree with. I nevertheless recommend them as great resources. Use discretion.
- Suggested Movies for Teenagers
- Smart Phones, Dumb People
- Abstinence Guide by Dr. Meg Meeker
- “Why Modesty?” by Jason Evert
Join The Kindness Challenge – 30 days of free emails to show you how to improve your relationships.
Developed by Shaunti Feldhahn, this is a most excellent easy way to build and improve your relationships. Free, practical, easy, researched, full of great information, tools and advice. Highly recommended to anyone wanting to have better relationships. Her book Kindness Challenge helps you go deeper. Worthwhile.
Romance Without Regret by Jason and Crystalina Evert
This excellent DVD is a must see for all parents and their teenagers. A presentation on sexual honesty is given to a high school group of teenagers in a dynamic,funny,riveting and powerful approach that will help all understand how to find authentic love and sexual integrity. You might be able to find it on youtube.
Theology of the Body for Teens by Jason and Crystalina Evert and Brian Butler
This DVD series includes 12 dynamic 25-minute presentations, as well as a textbook and workbook for youth to appreciate and understand the wonderful theology of the body and how it impacts relationships, sexuality, and vocation. A 40-minute presentation and summary are provided specifically for parents. Separate guys and girls segments are designed to help the foster in-depth discussion of the material presented. This package is of tremendous help to parents, teenagers and all those who work with teens. There is a highschool edition.
When we take long drives, our teens love to listen to the free audios from Car Talk. Hilarious, informative, captivating and fun, you can download them for free at www.npr.org/podcasts
For all those approaching graduations, I recently met some awesome women who put their best feet forward in ensuring amazing grad parties. They have gleaned their strategies for success from www.safegradeevent.com
The Thoughtful Girls’ Guide to Fashion, Communication and Friendship by Mary Sheehan Warren
A practical guide for girls on the art of communicating through your words, actions, dress and demeanor that you are a person with value and dignity.
For Young Women Only and For Young Men Only by Shaunti Feldhahn
Excellent reads for teenagers. Helps to understand the differences between guys and girls using tons of research. Great values, highly recommended.
Perfectly Yourself , Rhythm of Life, 7 Levels of Intimacy and Resisting Happiness by Matthew Kelly
A great book encouraging readers to really become the best version of themselves in so many ways. Great for teens and adults.
Make Your Bed by Admiral William McRaven
A super inspiring quick read from a Navy Seals Admiral about how little things can change your life. Great for boys, especially as a graduation gift.
How To Avoid Falling In Love with a Jerk by John Van Epp
This book offers a researched methodology to finding lasting love. Great for older teens heading off to university/college who enjoy a logical read.
Wild at Heart: Discovering the Secret of a Man’s Soul by John Eldredge
A great book on manhood for teen boys. My guys loved it.
Do Hard Things: A Teenage Rebellion against Low Expectations by Alex and Brett Harris.
Twin 16 year old boys penned this book to encourage youth to set their sights high. A Christian read that helps everyone realize how much teenagers are capable of, if given the chance and take initiative.
To Be a Man: Life lessons for Young Men by James Stenson
A super great read on the inner qualities that make for terrific men.
The 6 Most Important Decisions You’ll Ever Make by Sean Covey
Filled with great advice on helping teens succeed in many areas of their lives.
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey
This great book applies the 7 Habits to teens and the tough issues and life-changing decisions they have to face. Entertaining in style, Covey helps teens improve self-image, build friendships, resist peer pressure, achieve goals, get along with parents are more.
A great gift grade 8 graduation and even a good read for parents!
What Smart Students Know by Adam Robinson
This is a great book for kids wanting to do well academically in high school and university. Lots of practical ideas and insight into studying, writing essays, preparing for exams and how to enjoy the learning process.
The Best Things in Life by Peter Kreeft
Written by a professor of philosophy this is one book among many great works. Written as a conversation between Socrates and different students in university, this engaging book explores values like success, power, and pleasure. We are left seeing more clearly what really are the best things in life. Excellent for the teenager in his final years of high school.
**Much more on issues on dating at Kids and Sexuality: Resources and at DATING.
Pure Love, and Pure Manhood by Jason Evert Companion book is Pure Womanhood by Crystalina Evert
Small inexpensive booklets that are jam packed with excellent wisdom for teens and young adults on dating, love, and marriage. Wonderfully presented in a natural way with strong, logical reasons why we should save our hearts and sexuality for marriage. We give Pure Love to our kids a few months before starting high school and the others during highschool.
Real Love by Mary Beth Bonacci
This is a dynamite book for every Catholic teenager. Comprehensive, dynamic, very captivating. Candidly looks at friendship, relationships, and marriage in relation to the teachings of the Catholic Church. We leave this book lying around for our teenagers to leaf through.
If You Really Loved Me: 100 Questions on Dating, Relationships, and Sexual Purity
by Jason Evert
A humorous, friendly and blunt approach to sexuality, helping teens know the difference between love and lust. Evert provides straight answers to tough questions and affirms authentic love in the process. A great read for parents and teenagers.
The ABCs of Choosing a Good Husband by Stephen Wood
The ABCs of Choosing a Good Wife by Stephen Wood
It’s not easy to find a good spouse in our materialistic, pleasure-seeking, divorce-plagued society. These unique new books offer practical and insightful advice on how to choose a partner for life. Easy to read, engaging and full of insight. Great for teens, young adults and even older men and women who are wondering if the person they are dating is the right one. Order fromwww.familylifecenter.net
Crucial Conversation: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High by K. Patterson, J. Grenny, R. McMillan and A Switzler NEW
Learn how to keep your cool and get the results you want when emotions flare. Increase your chances of being understood and avoid negative fall out. A great read.
An excellent website to help you explain your values to your kids on all aspects of sexuality and the ideologies that are out there. Provides a solid reading list, great videos on hot topics to quickly equip your ease in broaching important issues and more. Check it out.
A national fashion and image project for TEENS by TEENS – A wonderful initiative to promote great fashion. Provides also good articles and links to relevant websites.
Pure Fashion is a faith-based program that encourages teen girls to live, act, and dress attractively with style.
An incredible resource for teens and parents done in a question and answer format on all aspects of dating, birth control, porn, STDs, starting over etc.
Peter Kreeft is a philosophy professor with a passion for building critical thinking about life, love, God, meaning and purposing through his work. He provides numerous articles and talks on-line and offers an excellent array of books and CDs for sale. Excellent for our teenagers who are searching for good arguments and reasons for living life to its fullest.
A super website for young men to receive affirmation, support and good resources in living their masculinity with confidence.
Dr. Meg Meeker provides parents with all kinds of helpful advice, including many great topics related to the teen years.
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