08 Sep About Me
Before you read my bio, you may prefer reading the Frequently Asked Questions I get, because maybe you have the same queries. So go ahead, and read FAQ. It will help you have a better perspective on what you will now read.
First generation Canadian, I was born in Toronto, Ontario to a wonderful family that had strong bonds and healthy values. From my younger years, I learned to think of the welfare of others from the example of my parents. I enjoy people and take great delight in making new friends. I want my life to make a positive difference.
I graduated with Honors in 1984 with a Bachelor’s of Social Work at Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto, Canada, where I also earned Certificates in Public Administration and Psychology of Human Relations. After getting married in 1985, I put all my energies into strengthening my marriage and raising my family. I entered marriage with hardly any cooking, cleaning, babysitting or domestic experience. My children were my training ground. I had to swim or sink. I did both many times. Within sixteen years, I had ten children. I felt challenged on many fronts. Of course I had lots of crazy moments, but sought to pull myself up and constantly begin again and try to be better. My family has never been perfect and never will be. I want to be a more loving person each day. Like everyone, I constantly struggle to rise to the occasion. My central goal is to nurture a strong marriage and family. Easier said, then done. My education provided me with a base, but I really needed to develop specific skills to achieve this goal. While my children were young, I sought out amazing moms to mentor me and read extensively. I tapped into great resources. This simple act catapulted me ahead in improvement and happiness.
To further my professional development on the home front, my husband and I took a 10 week intensive course offered by Family Life, Development and Culture in Toronto (1987) that covered topics such as Children’s Character Education, Development of Emotions and Affections, Sex Education for Children and Building Family Relationships. Soon after we took the University of Navarre course taught by Prof. David Isaacs on Adolescence and Marriage Relationships (Montreal, Quebec, 1988) and Educating Younger Children: 6-13 year olds (Washington, DC, 1989). We also appreciated the many seminars on Education of Boys, Parental Leadership, Educating for Virtue and Qualities of Successful Parents given by James Stenson in Toronto. These activities had a profound impact on my view of raising a family. With three small children at home, I made time to complete a two year correspondence program in 1991 offered by the Institute for Family Sciences at the University of Navarre. I then moderated sessions for Family Enrichment in Toronto before moving to Kingston, Ontario for the birth of our fourth child. My husband and I attended the 2nd Pan American Conference on Family and Education in Toronto and were invigorated to get involved in our community. Since 1993 I have been an active member of Neeje Association for Women and Family, a non-profit charity whose aim is to strengthen families and build society. For years, I have led mothers’ groups, girls’ clubs, couples’ groups, family camps and family catechism programs.
I speak regularly on my favorite topics: marriage, motherhood and parenting and have been greatly enriched by so many across the country. In 2003, someone attending my Mom You’re Incredible talk in Ottawa asked, “How do you do it? You should write a book!” My reply, “As if I have time!” However, with the help of my husband and sister, 10kids.com was born in 2004 to share “my secrets” with other moms. Initially I just posted my family photo. Thereafter, three times a year or so I try to post something meaningful to women. Now the website has grown immensely to address many needs of single and married women, as well as moms. My son even boasts that his university buddies regularly visit the recipe section. And from time to time, there is even something for the men.
Time is opening its door to me now as my children leave the nest. I accept speaking invitations more frequently across the country. What a joy to affirm people, make them laugh and help them see the heroic beauty of their daily lives. Since 2011, I have also been speaking to young ladies at university residences in Kingston, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Vancouver on the topic of Dating. A sampler talk is posted in the Audio section of this website. To add a bit more spice to my life, I stepped back into my shoes as a moderator for Family Enrichment courses in Ottawa as of 2012. I find it exciting to help couples embrace the call to greatness within their lives. My hope for the future is to finally write a book. In the meantime, I hope 10kids.com offers you some helpful advice. I keep adding bits and bites to make your life more delicious. May you be inspired to live with conviction, joy and much happiness. I wish you every success!
If you have any questions you would like to ask, ideas you wish to contribute or just want to send an email, please contact me at irene@10kids.com. I am also available as an inspirational speaker should you have interest.
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