03 Aug How I Stopped Yelling at My Kids
Raising children is quite the endeavor. I think it’s the hardest job on the planet. They come into the world as a gift, but they come in all shapes, sizes, temperaments and dispositions. They quickly know how to press all your buttons. It’s not long after they hit the “terrible two’s” that we realize we are not as virtuous as we supposed, we are not always in control and our responses are often far from ideal.
I recently saw this well-written article and wanted to share it with you. We moms are all part of the strugglers club. We often feel we have more bad days than good days when it comes to handling the craziness of kids. Without realizing it, we raise our voices, put our foot down and want everyone to follow our lead. However, we often sabotage the process by our own emotional rollercoaster.
Enjoy reading How I Stopped Yelling at My Kids. It hits it on the nail for many of us! Don’t aim at immediate results. Just plod ahead on making a little improvement each day – maybe a 1% adjustment. You will get better. Just begin. And begin again. And again.
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