20 Sep You Are Super Mom
When we start off having kids, almost all the antics and craziness makes us want to cry. Everything seems so hard and overwhelming. As time goes on though, we gain experience and have a different take on situations. Actually we start to laugh about things we previously cried about. Here are a list of funny things about my life as a mom (funny but true!!). I share them so that you may realize things change, we don’t take things as seriously as we used to, and we can laugh a lot more at what life sends us. I am sure you have experienced one, if not all of these if you are a “seasoned” mother! At the time they were hard to get through, but as I am writing these down, I am laughing my head off!! How much we change with more children!
You know you’re super mom when:
- You wake up hourly every night for days in a row with a crying baby and you don’t get mad once. You look down at the angel sleeping in your arms and you smile!
- You sit in the bathroom for 2 hours with a screaming 3 year old who has decided to start holding his poop. Finally after all that, he produces a very small product and you shout with joy, hugging and congratulating him!
- You are finally alone with your husband ready for a romantic evening in bed, when one child awakens and calls you. Then when you have him tucked soundly back into bed, another child wakes up!! You look at your spouse and roll your eyes (but still manage to sneak in some romance, between crying kids!)
- Bowel movements and vomit do not make you queasy any more. When one of the kids does vomit, you are prepared with buckets and drop sheets in every room. You never let anyone near your house if they have had stomach flu within the past 2 weeks.
- Your 4 year old daughter seems to have more dresses than the local clothing store, yet you still ask, “what WILL she wear?”
- It seems that some days, there is always at least one child crying at any given time. And you honestly have no idea why and you don’t know how to stop them!
- Your 3 year old actually falls asleep at 2 o’clock in the afternoon, the first time in months. Five minutes later, your one year old wakes up!
- You get mad when one of your son’s friends makes the team and he doesn’t. “There is no way he is better at basketball than my boy,” you tell your husband and he WHOLEHEARTEDLY agrees!
- Your entire day is planned around your one year old’s three hour nap. You do not leave the house or plan to leave the house EVER in the afternoon. If she happens to fall asleep in the car during a trip in the morning, it wrecks your entire day!
- You go into the kitchen and your wax paper is completely unrolled all over the floor. You roll it up and go into the bathroom to find the toilet paper completely unrolled.
- Loud noise does not bother you any more. Your 3 year old can throw a tantrum for a half hour and your husband wonders why it doesn’t irritate you. When you actually have an afternoon alone, after a couple of hours, the quiet starts to get to you!
- You have spent a grand total of 5 hours of your day in the kitchen — and you get up the next day and do it all over again!
- Your kids are playing beautifully downstairs. You sneak upstairs to settle down and call your close friend and literally within 2 minutes someone is either hurt or fighting!!
- You have a stockpile of breast milk in your freezer and you worry that there is not enough in there – just in case your car breaks down and you can’t make it back for that feeding!
- By 9 o’clock in the morning, you have already done 3 loads of laundry, made all the beds, vacuumed, cleaned out the fridge, scrubbed the bathtub … as well as done everything for the kids ( breakfast, dressing, diapers, teeth, washing faces, building lego, backpacks, lunches, bus) … You are super mom !!
- You have gone up and down the stairs so many times your legs have muscles you didn’t know existed (that goes for your arms too — after carrying babies for 1/4 of your life!!)
- Your monthly grocery bill is more than your monthly mortgage payment.
- You have asked God for patience at least once if not a hundred times an hour — and He gives you lots of it, but then He gives you more situations in which to practice it!!!Whether we plan for it or not, want it or don’t, our family makes us into better moms and we truly become super moms. The whole thing is soooo worthwhile. I would never change it in a hundred years.
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